
Physician Candidates

All specialties, all settings

Find staff and locum tenens physician jobs

Our platform offers Physician candidates in all specialties unparalleled job and pay transparency, along with customizable job searches and empowering career management tools and features.

Through StaffDNA®, candidates and the facilities have the most streamlined approach to finding exactly what they’re looking for: each other.

Our Physician Process

The StaffDNA® technology has revolutionized the way you apply for the job you want. Our hiring platform puts all the tools that used to be at the recruiter’s disposal, into your hands. By taking out the middleman, you will be directly contacted by the facilities themselves.

Female physician treating smaller child.
Male physician looking into camera while other doctors talk out of focus.

Find your Permanent Placement

Discover your permanent home with the StaffDNA® platform, home to one of the largest Physician Perm job boards. Physicians everywhere, no matter their specialty, can find their next life-changing step with fully customizable job searches.

StaffDNA® partners with premier facilities all around the globe, giving you the option to work for the best of the best. It’s a true win-win!

You can reach a recruiting expert right through the app! contact us anytime for expert support.

Looking for Locums? No Problem!

Our hiring platform serves physicians looking for locum tenens positions as well. It’s integral for healthcare facilities to remain staffed with highly qualified healthcare professionals.

StaffDNA® is looking out for institutions and you with our variety of options available. Daily side work, occasional weeks of work and even full-time contract options are easily discoverable using the app that changed everything.

Female physician showing off jobs in the StaffDNA mobile app

The App That
Changed Everything

The only one-stop platform offering unparalleled transparency and an ever-growing list of features so you can find, book and manage your next job all in one place.

Negotiable pay packages

Customizable “new job” alerts

Full-Time and 1099 positions

World’s preeminent facilities

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